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GSEB | Productivity in Learning    



 “Without theory, practice is but routine born of habit. Theory alone can bring forth and develop the spirit of invention.

 Biologists recognize that knowledge based upon experimental results and accurate observations is gained through a variety of experiences. Thus, the role of the laboratory and field learning becomes a key component in understanding biology. Laboratory, field activities and inquiry provide students with opportunities to question, observe, sample, experience, and experiment with scientific phenomena in their quest for knowledge of living things.

 JB Karp Vidya Sankul School vaunts an intricately designed Biology Laboratory planned to meet the demands of the advancement in science and technology.

 The marble worktops are heat resistant and storage cabinets are easily accessible. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides, test-tube, petridishes, Bunsen burners, beakers and flasks to the composite microscopes of varying powers to observe samples and organisms closely.

 They are high-powered, extremely expensive, and sensitive pieces of equipment that can make even the smallest parts of a single cell seem clear.

 All the microscopes are provided with digital eyepieces with built in 10 x cameras are a great way to preview live colour digital images directly from microscope to the computer via a USB port.

 Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. The interactive board connected to a computer system and projector makes the biology lessons more effective and interesting. The exhaust system efficiently sustains a comfortable environment in the room even while performing experiments requiring chemicals that let out fumes.

 The laboratory is expansive and does not restrict any kind of movements’ requisite while working in groups or during demonstrations.


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